Friday, January 31, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What roles did members of the Colonial Service and technical experts play within the British Empire?
    2. How were many Italian migrants different from those of most other ones from the period?

  2. Crash Course: Imperialism Video

  3. Unit 6: Chapters 6.5/6.6 Quiz

  4. DBQ Thesis Practice, Part 2
    For each of the prompts and documents, create a thesis statement

Thursday, January 30, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What were “banana republics”?
    2. What is the difference between push and pull factors for migration?

  2. Finish Discussing Causes of Migration in an Interconnected World

  3. DBQ Thesis Practice, Part 1

  4. Finish Work and Study for Tomorrow's Quiz (Homework)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What were the causes of the First Opium War?
    2. What were the effects of the Opium Wars?

  2. The Dark History of the Overthrow of Hawaii Video

  3. Dark History of Bananas Video

  4. Bananapocalypse: Why Bananas May Go Extinct Video

  5. The History of Chocolate Video

  6. Discuss Causes of Migration in an Interconnected World

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What role did Cecil Rhodes play in South Africa?
    2. For what reasons did monocultures increase in developing nations and colonies?

  2. Discuss Economic Imperialism

  3. The Dark History of the Overthrow of Hawaii Video

Monday, January 27, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What precious metals/minerals became part of the global economy by 1900?
    2. What led to the development of stock exchanges?

  2. Crash Course: Expansion and Resistance Video

  3. Unit 6: Chapters 6.3/6.4 Quiz

Friday, January 24, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. How did transportation improvements help create a global economy?
    2. Why did Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia develop export economies?

  2. Finish Discussing Global Economic Development

  3. The World's Bird Poop Obsession Video

  4. Palm Oil Problem Video

  5. How De Beers Created Its Own Market Video

  6. Sepoy Rebellion Document Analysis
    Use the documents to answer the questions (Canvas)

  7. Finish Work and Study for Monday's Quiz (Homework)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What examples of resistance towards imperialism were there in the Americas?
    2. What examples of resistance towards imperialism were there in Africa?

  2. The Legendary Nana Yaa Asantewaa and the War of the Golden Stool Video

  3. Celebrating Victory, Ethiopia and the Battle of Adwa Video

  4. Discuss Global Economic Development

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What caused the Boxer Rebellion?

  2. Unit 5 Test

  3. Begin work on Unit 6: Chapter 6.7 Homework (Homework--Due Tuesday, February 4th)

  4. Begin work on Unit 6: Chapter 6.8 Homework (Homework--Due Tuesday, February 4th)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. How did Japan address its rapidly growing population?
    2. How did the United States extend its influence in Latin America through the 19th century?

  2. Review Units 3/4 LEQ Essay Test

  3. One of History's Most Dangerous Myths Video

  4. How Thailand Escaped Colonialism Video

  5. Unit 6: Chapters 6.1/6.2 Quiz

  6. Study for Tomorrow's LEQ Essay Test (Homework)

Friday, January 17, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What were the causes and effects of the Boer Wars?
    2. How was Siam able to maintain its independence?

  2. Discuss Indigenous Responses to State Expansion

  3. Battle of Adowa Document Analysis
    Use the documents to answer the questions (Canvas)

  4. Finish Work and Study for Tuesday's Quiz (Homework)

  5. Begin work on Unit 6: Chapter 6.5 Homework (Homework--Due Friday, January 31st)

  6. Begin work on Unit 6: Chapter 6.6 Homework (Homework--Due Friday, January 31st)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What were the motivations for European imperialism?
    2. What were the causes and effects of the Berlin Conference?

  2. Finish Discussing State Expansion

  3. White Man's Burden vs Black Man's Burden Document Analysis
    Use the documents to answer the questions (Canvas)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. For what reasons did Europe establish empires during the first wave of conquest
    2. How could the Industrial Revolution help drive the second wave of conquest (also known as “New Imperialism”)?

  2. Finish Discussing Rationales for Imperialism

  3. Discuss State Expansion

  4. Begin work on Unit 6: Chapter 6.3 Homework (Homework--Due Monday, January 27th)

  5. Begin work on Unit 6: Chapter 6.4 Homework (Homework--Due Monday, January 27th)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

  1. New Seating Chart

  2. Second Semester Class Information

  3. 2024 in Review Video

  4. Unit 6 Overview Video

  5. Discuss Rationales for Imperialism

  6. Begin work on Unit 6 Homework (Homework--Due the day of the unit test)

  7. Most Important Event of 2024? (Homework--Due Tomorrow)
    In Canvas, choose what you think was the most important/interesting/news-worthy event in 2024 (not something that only affected you, but something which might have impacted your community, state, country, world, etc.) and at least one paragraph about why you think it was the most important (note: it does not have to be something from the video we watched in class, but could be anything that happened last year in news, politics, sports, entertainment, technology, or any other situation)